Landscaping Products

Here at McNab Acres, we don’t carry a single product we wouldn’t use ourselves.

As a result, you’ll find our selection to be more exclusive because we only manufacture and carry the best. Much like our blends below, we don’t dilute our products with unnecessary filler.

Top Soil

Our signature soils are all self-mixed with the environment in mind. Whether you’re looking for nutrient-rich or just adding soil to those areas that need it, we have the right one for you.

Screened Soil

Ideal for: levelling terrain, filling in low spots, and laying under sod.

Triple Mix

Ideal for: accelerated growing and high nutrient for fruits, vegetables, grains, and flowers.


Manufactured right here by McNab Acres, our premium mulches are fantastic for finishing off garden beds and pathways. Our mulches are coloured with colouring specifically designed for agricultural uses.

Mulch improves soil aeration and drainage for healthy plant growth.


Enhance the look of your gardens with our dark brown mulch.


Made from cedar trees and it’s properties has an insect-repellent fragrance.


Black mulch is a dark mulch that accentuates all plant life it surrounds. It makes the flowers pop and look more vibrant.


Made from pine trees and has a lovely fragrance. Tends to last longer than other wood mulches. Lightweight- easy to spread but can move easier in the wind so not great for sloped areas.



Natural mulch is uncoloured wood mulch that is a rich ground cover that keeps your landscape looking beautiful all season long.


Mushroom Compost is made by using natural and locally source materials. Very nutrient-rich compost is produced.

Duck Manure is an excellent choice of organic fertilizer for plants. It is full of nutrients and contains a lot of liquid, which it means it provides your plants with the needed nutrients without burning them.


Sand is a fantastic product to be used in a variety of ways, but the most popular of which is underneath interlocking patio stones when you don’t want to use soil only. Sand is also great for being mixed into heavy soil in order to lighten it, all of which will contribute to better growing conditions.

Fine Sand

Coarse Sand


We offer multiple stone options that cater to both homeowners and businesses. Whether you need it to work or for show only, we have options! 

1/2" Clear Stone

Ideal for: surfacing driveways and walkways, allowing for good drainage.

3/4" Clear Stone

Ideal for: drainage, ground cover, and support for sheds.

3/4" Traffic Bond

Gran “A”

Ideal for: creating a compact, sturdy base for driveways, sheds, hot tubs, etc.



Ideal for: top layer for interlock patio stones, driveways, and surfacing pathways.


(High Performance Bedding)

Ideal for: Interlock, driveways, and patios. Premium gravel with little to no dust.

Asphalt Grindings

Ideal for: filling pot holes, and can be used as aggregate in new pavement.

River Rock

Our smooth river rock is most notably used to enhance the visual appeal of gardens and any landscape. They are mainly grey to light brown in colour with some minor colour variances when wet.

1” - 3”

A mix in size ranging from a golf ball to just under and softball. Great as a ground cover, holding down weeds and unwanted grass growth.


3/4 "

A mix in size. Great as a mulch substitute in flower and garden beds.

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